The Sport, Leisure and Culture Consultancy Ltd has over the last 7 years assisted over 50 clients to transform their leisure and cultural services, and in doing so deliver significant financial savings (c. £60 million) and better services for communities. These projects have been as varied as improving service delivery through better programming and marketing, identifying capital investment projects to increase income generation, developing new management models to deliver greater efficiencies, and procuring external partners to manage services.

In doing so we have built an outstanding track record and reputation for consistently delivering positive financial outcomes and service improvements. Our track record and client testimonials speak for themselves and can be seen by clicking here.

We have a passion for transforming and improving leisure and cultural provision, and we want to help other organisations achieve the kinds of outcomes we have delivered for clients elsewhere.

We know it can sometimes be difficult to decide on the best course of action to save money and improve services, especially in the current financial climate and particularly with the emerging evidence around the costs to society of physical inactivity and rising obesity levels. How can you do more with less resources? Do you need to deliver services differently? Is investment required in facilities?

SLC has developed an affordable service review offer that will, within a few weeks, provide insight and options to address the challenges your organisation may be facing.

The review can be used for any leisure or cultural service, facility or specific project, regardless of whether it is managed in house or through an external partner. In can be used in a range of situations, such as reviewing a planned high-profile capital project, a proposed procurement, an under-performing service, facility or contract, or simply to consider the options for a service or facility.

The service review is undertaken from within our team of senior experienced leisure and cultural specialists, consisting of quantitative and qualitative analysis, site visits and face to face interviews with key stakeholders. Details of our team and their experience and credentials can be seen by clicking here.

We identify the challenges facing a service and provide clear options to deliver transformation, financial savings and service improvements. The review can be commissioned directly from SLC or through the Bloom professional services framework. We can usually undertake a review within four weeks of being commissioned.

If you’d like to commission an SLC Service Review or discuss how a review may be able to help you and to talk through our approach and costs, please get in touch by calling 01444 459927 or emailing