Strategic background
SLC was commissioned by Barnet Council in March 2018 to undertake a masterplanning and feasibility study on the development of new sports hubs and community facilities at Barnet / King George V Playing Fields and West Hendon Playing Fields. The development of proposals for these sites are a key requirement of the Council’s Playing Pitch Strategy and Parks and Open Spaces Strategy and are designed to contribute strongly their Fit and Active Barnet Framework for increasing levels of physical activity amongst Barnet residents. SLC partnered with Southern Green Landscape Architects and Paul Weston Architect for this study.
Following a comprehensive options appraisal, informed by stakeholder consultation and supply and demand analysis, an exciting and innovative facility mix was developed for each site including sports pitches, artificial turf pitches, high ropes course, adventure golf, improved pedestrian and cycle routes, adventure play areas, outdoor gyms and trim trails, indoor climbing, soft play, multi-use activity space, community rooms and café facilities.
Masterplans of each site together with building layouts of the Community Sports Hubs were developed. These were supported by robust costings and business plan projections together with a clear set of conclusions, recommendations and next steps for consideration by the Council.
The next steps
The masterplans were approved unanimously by the Council’s Environment Committee in March 2019 and approval given for a full public consultation process. SLC has subsequently been commissioned to deliver this public consultation on behalf of the Council.