In June 2023, SLC working with sub-consultants DB3 Architecture, were appointed by Malvern Hills District Council to undertake a feasibility study for the development of a new Community Hub on land adjacent to Malvern Town FC.
The Council and its partners are exploring a new approach to the delivery of leisure, cultural and community services through a newly formed Pivot to Wellness Strategic Action Network. The project to explore development of a new Community Hub is one of the strategic priorities of this new group.
The proposed new Community Hub would provide dedicated space to meet the needs of four identified partner organisations including Action for Children, Citizen’s Advice, Age UK and Community Action Malvern and District. It is also envisaged that the new facility would provide flexible activity, meeting and events space for other community providers working in the area, including MTFC.
SLC worked closely with the Council and these partner organisations to develop a facility mix which seeks to optimise the approach to co-location, through a combination of dedicated and shared spaces.
DB3 Architecture developed concept designs for the proposed Community Hub including layout drawings and site plans for ‘core’ and ‘desirable’ facility mix options. These were accompanied by budget cost estimates for each option developed by cost consultants, Press and Starkey.
SLC explored future management model options and the potential benefits and disbenefits of each and developed indicative 10-year business plans to demonstrate the potential future operating cost of the facility.
All outputs were collated into a concise and reader-friendly report to support the Council’s next steps with the project.

The Council considers SLC as our ‘go to’ consultant. SLC are always at the forefront and driving change and progression across the sector. Their knowledge, expertise, connections and reputation is second to none and they maintain a blue sky thinking and outside of the box approach to the delivery of bespoke projects and pieces of work that are tailored and place based.
Mark Hammond – Community Infrastructure and Development Manager – Malvern Hills District Council