Mole Valley District Council commissioned SLC in September 2022 to support the procurement of a new leisure management contract.
SLC had previously supported the Council in exploring management options for the future operation of its leisure facilities. After this work, it was concluded that the procurement of a new contract with an external operator partner was the preferred option.
The Council owns two leisure centres:
– Leatherhead Leisure Centre (LLC)
– Dorking Sports Centre (DSC)
These were previously operated under two separate management contracts with Fusion Lifestyle managing LLC and Places Leisure managing DSC. However, the procurement process established a new single contract from the end of November 2023.
SLC provided ‘end to end’ support throughout the procurement process, through delivery of the following staged workstreams.
Pre-Procurement support
SLC worked with the Council’s Programme Working Group to identify the service-specific strategic objectives which would direct and guide the future delivery of its leisure services.
A robust procurement strategy was developed, informed by market insight and presenting an optimal balance of risk. Managing the Council’s preferred risk levels whilst ensuring the opportunity was attractive to the operator market and would meet community needs was critical to this process.
The new services specification reflected the new strategic approach and included a requirement for a new Active Communities Programme of outreach interventions which target less active residents.
SLC developed all tender documents and supported legal colleagues to develop the new contract in accordance with the Sport England template.
Procurement process
SLC supported the Council throughout the procurement process, which included:
- Providing advice on responses to clarification questions
- Evaluating bids
- Facilitating bidder meetings
- Providing analysis and advice on financial submissions
Project outcome
Following the comprehensive and robust tender process, the new 15-year Active Communities Leisure Management Contract was awarded to Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) and commenced on 26 November 2023.
The Council and GLL will collaborate on investment and improvement opportunities at the facilities and work with wider stakeholders to design and deliver the new Active Communities Programme. This new outreach programme will deliver activities in community settings, parks and open spaces instead of core facilities to enable residents to be more active in local places.

It was great working with SLC – easy to work with, responsive and supportive with a wealth of experience and expertise in the leisure industry
Patrick McCord – Service Lead, Community Safety and Wellbeing