Virtual Think Tanks

SLC will be hosting and facilitating a series of Virtual Think Tanks on public sector leisure provision, building on our heritage of hosting peer to peer knowledge sharing and transfer seminars for the leisure sector for over 10 years. Each week we will host a 90 minute session to explore…

COVID-19 Crisis – Hold Fast

At SLC we’ve taken all the necessary steps to ensure our staff and clients are safe and that we take care of our associates, suppliers and partners. We are delighted they are reciprocating. We are focussed on continuing to deliver projects for our clients and where we can, offer wider…

Health Equity in England

Judith Schrenk, Research Consultant provides a short synopsis of the latest Marmot Report – The Marmot Review Ten Years On
In 2010, the British Government commissioned Professor Sir Michael Marmont to review health inequalities in the United Kingdom. The 2010 review concluded that the path to a sustainable improvement of equality was not policy focusing on healthcare systems, but rather an improvement in the social determinants of health.

SLC’S Think Tank sets the scene for leisure procurement

On 9 October 2019, representatives from eight Local Authorities from across England participated in an engaging day of learning and knowledge sharing on ‘Optimising your Leisure Procurement’.
This Think Tank seminar, facilitated by SLC Directors David Rushton and Toby Kingsbury, provided a platform to share best practice approaches to procuring successful leisure partnerships…