Leisure Trust Partnerships:
Managing the Crisis and Planning for a Sustainable Future
For Local Authority Clients and Trust Partners or Local Authority Clients only.
SLC is hosting and facilitating a series of Virtual Think Tanks on public sector leisure provision, building on our heritage of hosting peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and transfer seminars for the leisure sector for over 10 years.
Each week we will host a 90 minute Zoom video conference session to explore key questions and challenges facing the sector. We will be exploring current issues and also looking ahead to the new ‘normal’ and how our sector can adapt and respond to take advantage of new opportunities within what is likely to be a long period of economic recovery and social change.
Virtual Think Tanks are to offer colleagues support and share and generate ideas, for the benefit of the sector only. Nothing else.
The theme for Thursday 23 April (10am – 11:30am) is ‘Leisure Trust Partnerships – Managing the Crisis and Planning for a Sustainable Future’:
- What is happening with management agreements whilst facilities are locked down?
- What approaches are being taken by councils and their leisure partners to address the immediate issues?
- How should we revisit future management agreements given the inevitable recession, changes in demand and future funding cuts for local government?
- What learning can be shared to support other councils and leisure partners with a funding agreement in place now and in shaping the future arrangements?
- How can the sector support partners through the stages of recovery?
This session is for Local Authority Clients and Trust Partners or Local Authority Clients only.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis and are limited to a maximum of 12 -15 delegates to ensure you have the time and space to contribute.
SLC will also invite other strategic partners / major sector organisations with a relevant specialism in the subject matter area to provide expert input or just to listen, learn and share.
SLC will provide and publish a short summary of the sessions on its website blog at www.slc.uk.com. Any input and contributions will be non-attributable.
We do hope this will be a way of ensuring we can capture and share some positive ideas, best practice and allow sector peers to connect and support each other.
To register or if you have any questions and / or suggestions for future discussion topics, please contact us on help@slc.uk.com or call us on 01444 459927.