Put simply, the pivot to active wellbeing is the transformation of leisure services towards a more integrated health, social care and wellbeing offer. In practice, this requires meaningful community engagement to co-design services; re-imagining leisure facilities into community hubs for wellbeing; maximizing the use of green and blue spaces; and seeking every opportunity to build movement into the everyday lives of residents.
A carefully planned and executed Active Wellbeing Strategy should enable local people to start well, live well and age well with a particular focus on the least active.
Achieving this requires a whole system approach, collaboration, and distributed leadership which empowers anyone to get involved and play their part.
We work alongside local authorities and system partners to explore how they can pivot their leisure services into an active wellbeing service to deliver long term outcomes. In doing so the aim is to take pressure off health and social care services.
We have been working within Greater Manchester Combined Authorities on the ‘A Moment to Pivot’ Programme since 2020 which has been supported by Sport England, GM Moving and GM Active. This pioneering work has now influenced national policy through the Sport England Future of Public Leisure Report (December 2022).
SLC is currently supporting a number of councils in exploring how they can pivot their traditional leisure services to active wellbeing services. Please read GM Moving’s blog about the Pivot to Active Wellbeing Programme here.
If you would like to discuss how we can support your organisation in pivoting to active wellbeing, please get in touch.